Hey, you -- if you're feeling lost when it comes to starting your coaching practice, don't worry. I got you.


The business system for therapists who coach. 

Start or grow your coaching business so you can get out there and make an enormous impact.


sign up for business 101!

Your Roadmap to Success Starts Here. Supercharge Your Success by learning with Dr. Liz Lasky!


You're about to learn the system of the 6 most important pillars of any private practice:  

  • Ideal Client
  • Offers
  • Marketing
  • Visibility
  • Social Proof
  • Money Mindset


You acquired valuable skills and knowledge to excel as a therapist who coaches. Now you’re including coaching in your repertoire (ps - I love that for you!) BUT - and it’s a big but - one aspect that was always overlooked was learning how to run a business. 

While you may have mastered your craft, the art of entrepreneurship requires a different set of skills. It's the art of turning our expertise into a thriving business, navigating the complexities of marketing, operations, and strategy. 

Today’s modern therapist who coaches must now embrace the journey of learning how to translate skills into successful ventures. I have the recipe to help you bridge the gap between skill and business acumen. It’s time for us as therapists to  empower ourselves with the knowledge to confidently run a business and make enormous impact.

I have the system you need.  

Imagine if...

  • You knew just what you had to do to start a successful coaching practice
  • You had a mentor who has been-there-done-that standing by your side to show you the ins and outs
  • You could finally supplement your income as a helping professional (or create a whole new income stream)
  • You didn't have to take stabs in the dark

What if it was all done for you - a business system that spells out exactly how to reach your ideal client, create irresistible offers, plan your marketing calendar, increase your visibility, showcase the work you've done with previous clients and teaches you how to get in the frame of mind you need to be in to receive money.

What if you had a 6-module course teaching you the business system that yields results?



I could sit here like every other coach and talk about financial freedom, abundance, getting to those multiple 6-figure years.  But here’s the truth.  We are helping professionals. 

Making an impact, making a difference, and changing lives is important to us too.  Building a business will make you money but it will also give you autonomy, personal and professional growth, and deep satisfaction and fulfillment.  It’s time for therapists to take up space in the world and lead by example!  

Imagine dramatically reducing your doubts about how to create and implement systems that can get you what you want in business.  Imagine being able to have the recipe that can help you get closer to the money you want and the professional fulfillment that is calling you.

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...I want you to feel like you have every single tool you need to be successful.

I want you to know exactly what to do so you can help others in the way that you want to.  I want you to have every single tool I know of so you can call in every dollar that you desire.  I want you to have every single resource that I didn't have access to. 

I want you to have it all.


You're going to



Business 101 is a 6-module business course.  This course is designed to equip you with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to start and grow a successful coaching business.


The course is 6 modules long and is self-paced, providing you with ample time to fully absorb and apply the content during your year of access.


You'll learn from Dr. Liz, an experienced business coach, who will guide you through each stage of the course and provide personalized support and feedback.


You'll receive a comprehensive workbook to complement the live lectures and coaching sessions. 


The course is taught live, which means you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with other students in real-time.


And if you can't attend a live session, you'll have access to the recordings so you can catch up at your own pace.


The most powerful and supportive community of likeminded helping professionals.  Why do this all alone?


sign up for business 101! ➡

Business 101

A business system  for therapists who coach.

After 6 modules, you will have:
  • A system to identify your ideal client
  • A structure to create offers that sell
  • Simple solutions for powerful and authentic marketing
  • A personalized method to create visibility for yourself and your business
  • A framework to establish social proof in the marketplace
  • A process to cultivate and expand your money mindset 

Get your hands on the exact process I used to coach countless businesses and the steps I used to grow my own! 

6 modules to more clarity, more action, and more results.



Now $497


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I have clients who are working with more focus, more intention, and making more money than they thought possible.  They are selling coaching packages.  They are on the speaking circuit.  They are creating relationships and collaborating with new professionals all over the place.  

Seriously, it really is much easier than you think!

Deciding to join us can feel stressful because you're at a decision moment.  Understand this:


This program is the security plan you need to ensure that you have the container, the system, and support you need to get what you want in business.  

sign up for business 101!


Me! I'm Dr. Liz Lasky, PhD, LCSW, ACC

Social Worker.  Coach.  Joan Rivers Fan.  Real Housewives Lover.  Mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend.  Professor.  Loud mouth.  (*importance not necessarily in this order 😜).  I also have a school called The Coach Training Program For Helping Professionals. 

Other things about me...⬇️

Dr. Liz Lasky is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (NY State, MSW from Yeshiva University). She holds a PhD from Yeshiva University in Social Welfare. She is also a New York University Certified Coach and holds the International Coach Federation credential of Associate Certified Coach (ACC). She is an adjunct professor at Fordham University. She is a published author (both in peer reviewed academic journals and her own book), and presents her research on coaching single women internationally, most notably at Harvard University.

She is also a proud Fellow of The Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, Harvard University.


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Learn the impact business coaching with Dr. Liz has had on these therapists!


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Let's Talk Modules

The breakdown

1 System.

6 Modules.


Ideal Client


Understanding your ideal client is the first power move any business owner can make.  This module will help you uncover who you feel truly called to work with.  This module will teach you how to identify your ideal client, speak to them in their own language, and create a strategy to find endless streams of ideal clients.  




Being wishy washy about your offers and programs does a disservice to your ideal client.  Vague and ambiguous?  NO THANKS.  This module teaches you how to make sure that your offers are crystal clear so you can establish trust, reliability and transparency with your ideal clients.  




This module is dedicated to creating sustainable marketing strategies.  Actions in this module may include calling in ideal clients by tailoring your marketing message, building credibility and trust, and educating others.  This entire module helps you attract your ideal clients so you can monetize your offers. 




If people can't find you, they can't buy from you!  Cultivating a new sense of visibility will help you elevate your brand awareness, generate leads and sales, and remain top of mind of referrals.  This module will help you feel more comfortable with being visible as you market to your ideal clients and make offers.  


Social Proof


We are more likely to buy from someone who has a good track record!  Social proof includes online presence, testimonials, endorsements, case studies, reports, or social media.  Do you need visibility in all areas to be successful?  NO!  This module will help you increase your social proof visibility so ideal clients will know you are a trusted professional.  This is a fast track to ideal clients buying your offers.  


Money Mindset


We can have incredible social proof with amazing marketing and sell millions of offers to ideal clients BUT it will be nothing without a strong money mindset.  Our own relationship with money, ideas about pricing, financial decisions, and our ability to attract abundance is all part of our money mindset.  This powerful module will help you identify where you can improve your relationship with calling in more money, holding more money, and growing more money.


Now $497

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Liz is amazing at helping people achieve clarity that will assist them in reaching their best potential! Before working with Liz, life was boring and uninspired. Now, after working with Liz life is exciting, with new opportunities, ideas, creativity, and a CRYSTAL clear sense of direction!! My favorite thing about working with Liz is her personality. She is warm and empathic and a pleasure to be around. She is entirely focused on YOU and makes it clear that she is single handedly devoted to your interests and your well-being. This unparalleled level of focus is coupled with a personable, kind nature. You look forward to seeing her every week and you feel confident that your goals are genuinely her priority! Working with Liz is worth the investment because the clarity you will achieve is priceless. I recommend Liz to anyone who is serious about making a change in his/her/their life. The work you will do with her is truly life-changing. Her insight and skills are exceptional and she will help you identify what exactly is the right fit for you and will help you actually make it happen! She is an invaluable resource to anyone with a dream.  

Dr. Terri Bacow, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist 

"You have given us so many pieces of information that has been invaluable for us and has really helped us move so far in such a short amount of time.  You said in 3 to 4 months, you’d be moving in a different direction and I looked at my partner and said “Yeah, right!”  And in three months, we were in this completely different place...

I would say to people, if you have a part of you that needs to do something different, want to feel more creative, wants to feel more excited, and just needs to grow, do it.  Press the button”

Tia Hackett, Therapist and Coach

“My therapy practice has always been good - very busy and fulfilling…but there was something missing which was that creative vision and flexibility that I was longing for.  You’ve been a huge help to get us through it and your program has been a huge help to baby step us into it.  I would have to say that we would not have had as a successful startup without you.  You have given us a great example of how to do that successfully, ethically, and in the way that best serves all of our clients and ourselves.  You marched us into helping us with our confidence, our presentation, and really looking at who is our client and how do we connect with them.  And that was vital to our success.

Carol Minotti, Therapist and Coach

The best benefit of working with Liz is you feel like you have somebody that's really on your side working with you. She makes you feel so comfortable and so supported during that journey.

She's also super qualified to do it... she actually knows what she's doing and it's such a pleasure to be supported by someone so knowledgeable and so intuitive and so loving.

Ali R.

I'm ready to join!


Business 101

A business system for therapists who coach.

After 6 modules, you will have:
  • A system to identify your ideal client
  • A structure to create offers that sell
  • Simple solutions for powerful and authentic marketing
  • A personalized method to create visibility for yourself and your business
  • A framework to establish social proof in the marketplace
  • A process to cultivate and expand your money mindset 
sign me up for business 101!

I have the system you are looking for.

I know first hand how hard it is to do this alone.  

My wish for you is that you start taking some serious action to truly get what you want.  As your coach and your teacher, I will do whatever I can to make sure you get there.  Don't do this alone.  Come join our incredible community.