The Coaching Contract Toolkit

A "go at your own pace" contract course for helping professionals who coach!

Inside this toolkit is every single thing you need as a helping professional who coaches to create contracts that protect yourself, your business and your clients.

Yes, even if you hold a license!


I'm your teacher, not your lawyer.
Which is why I hired my actual lawyer
to help me create The Coaching Contract Toolkit.

Coaching and psychotherapy overlap. A lot. 

And while that inspires so many therapists to become coaches, it’s the same reason why they need to operate in a very clear, legal, and ethical way.

Or else. 

Sound scary? Definitely.

Am I being dramatic? Definitely not.

I’ll tell you right now, getting a contract off of Google and filling in the blanks is not enough.

But that’s what I did when I first started out as a coach.

And it wasn’t long until I realized that it offered nowhere near the amount of clarity or legal protection I actually needed.

In just one year, I had so many sleepless nights and approximately one million panic attacks (that’s a conservative estimate).

These were the thoughts constantly running through my mind:

“I’m both a helping professional and a coach—how does this even work?”

“Is my state license at risk?”

“What are the ethics? What is the law? Are these one and the same?”

“Can I even be a coach?”

“How do I protect myself and my assets? Also, what’s an asset?”

“How can I protect my professional integrity?”

I was constantly worried that I was unknowingly breaking the law or doing something questionable every time I did anything inside my coaching practice.

But relief came when I finally hired my lawyer, Bruce.

Except he’s not just any regular lawyer. 

He’s a specialist, and he’s the best in the biz. 

Which means he understands the legal nuances and complexities that come with being a licensed helping professional and a coach.

He’s completely changed the way I do business.

And since I’ve already made all the most common mistakes, you don’t need to. 

Here’s why:

I’ve paid him thousands of dollars to create this toolkit with me.

So that you can have access to all the legal swipe copy, video modules, downloads, and worksheets to use as you wish.

Without the late-night panic, the doom scrolling, the worst-case-what-if-scenarios or the price tag. You’re welcome.

This is your

Coaching Contract Toolkit

A "go at your own pace" course

Your system that gets you from the time someone says "I want to speak to you about coaching" all the way up to getting paid.



Here's what's included...

Module 1: Welcome & Your Why

The first module outlines exactly what to expect from this toolkit.
It also outlines why helping professionals who coach must have the proper legal protection before taking on clients.

  • Welcome Module & Intention-Setting Guide
  • Assessment: Get clear on where you are TODAY with contracts, systems and processes.
  • Explore Your "Why" 
    – Why You Need Contracts: Business Perspective
    – Why You Need Contracts: Emotional Perspective
  • Planning: Organize your next steps in order of Critical/Urgent, Sooner and Later.
  • Weekly Pre-Coaching Session Questionnaire: A Done-For-You questionnaire to set effective goals before every coaching call.

Module 2: Paperwork with Potential Clients

Did you know your contract really starts at the Chemistry Call? Discover how to ethically lead your call and draw a line between coaching and therapy to keep you out of legal hot water.

  • Chemistry Call: Feel at ease with every potential client you speak to. Come to each call prepared with important answers about your coaching, your practice, and how your coaching method works.
  • Follow-Up Email After The Chemistry Call: Find security in your processes and systems starting with an initial inquiry, follow-up email. This pre-coaching assessment can be individualized for every client.
  • Pre-Coaching Assessment: Stay organized with already Done-For-You necessary forms and paperwork. Learn exactly how and when to use this assessment.

Module 3: Pre-Work with New Clients

Discover how to smoothly onboard a new client, create a positive experience and set clear boundaries and expectations.

  • Client Welcome Letter: Start off your client-coaching relationship on the right foot with this welcome letter.
  • Coaching Intake: A simple, effective form to quickly and professionally onboard clients.
  • Pre-Coaching Engagement Questionnaire: Designed to get you and the client on the same page so you can quickly know exactly how to help them.
  • Weekly Pre-Coaching Session Questionnaire: A Done-For-You questionnaire to set effective goals before every coaching call.

Module 4: Contracts

These contracts are specifically for helping professionals who coach. They'll make sure you and your client are fully protected when you enter a coaching arrangement.

  • Discover which types of contracts you need to coach and why it’s so important
  • Legal Contract with Coaching Client as a Licensed Helping Professional:  Includes customizable swipe copy 
  • Legal Contract with Coaching Client as a Corporate Entity: Includes customizable swipe copy 
  • Memorandum of Understanding: Swipe file to help clients understand the practical and legal differences between coaching and therapy

Module 5: Policies

Language around specific policies and procedures in your practice to ensure you get paid, set expectations around patient confidentiality and more. Can be used to customize individual contracts.

  • Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
  • Mandated Reporter Policy
  • Payment Policy
  • Referral Policy
  • Inclusion Policy
  • Termination Policy
  • Session Conduct Policy
  • Communication Policy
  • And more...

And a final bonus...

Get instant access to any Coaching Contract Toolkit updates or additions within ONE YEAR of purchase for FREE!


These documents, worksheets, and swipe files are created for educational purposes and are not intended for you to use without your own legal counsel. It is strongly recommended that you retain your own legal counsel to ensure that your documents, letters, contracts, and other writing represent what is necessary for you and your work.

This is your

Coaching Contract Toolkit

A "go at your own pace" course 




I'm Dr. Liz Lasky

Dr. Liz Lasky, PhD, LCSW, is the founder The Coach Training Program For Helping Professionals™ and She is the author the book “Get What You Want”© as well as several peer-reviewed journal articles.  She is an expert in teaching helping professionals how to coach well and ethically.

After 15 years of successfully counseling, coaching, and mentoring thousands of people, Dr. Liz came to understand that personal transformation requires not just taking action but a change in mindset that comes from personal growth. She found that coaching expedites these processes.  

Dr. Liz Lasky is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (NY State, MSW from Yeshiva University). She holds a PhD from Yeshiva University in Social Welfare. She is also a New York University Certified Coach and holds the International Coach Federation credential of Associate Certified Coach (ACC). She is an adjunct professor at Fordham University. She is a published author (both in peer reviewed academic journals and her own book, Get What You Want), a professional expert for Bravo TV, and presents her research on coaching internationally, most notably at Harvard University.

She is also a proud Fellow of The Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, Harvard University.