Learn How Helping Professionals Are Rediscovering Their Purpose With Coaching

While Helping More People, Making More Money & Enjoying More Free Time Than Ever Before

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You love your job, but work doesn’t light you up like it used to—and you’re close to spiraling.

Whether you’re a social worker, pastoral counselor, or a therapist with a private practice, it’s all the same.

The hours are long, the pay isn’t great, you’ve never seen so much paperwork in your life...

But with the way things are going, you’re dangerously close to leaving the field.

You work so much you barely see the inside of your bedroom, yet make so little you haven’t put a penny towards retirement.

Factor in student loans, the constant money stress, and the thought that maybe getting this degree was a huge mistake...

And it’s no wonder you’re scrolling through LinkedIn to see what other jobs you’re qualified for so you can make over $40,000 a year before tax.

No one gets into this field to become a millionaire, but you’re living paycheck to paycheck with a freaking Master’s degree.

An impossibly heavy workload means you’re losing empathy towards clients, are constantly filled with dread about work and can’t remember the last time you weren’t in a bad mood.

No one warned you that being a helping professional came with the expectation of being available all the time for everyone and doing a ton of extra work that isn’t billable.

There are back-to-back client meetings and impossible-to-meet deadlines.

Every time you close your eyes, all you see are the stacks of paperwork piled high on your desk.

Your own trauma and life experiences are showing themselves, and it’s difficult to not become a wounded healer.

The clinic is squeezing you for everything you’ve got, and if you don’t get a vacation soon you may end up leaving the field for good.

Every day someone comes to you for advice, support, or resources.

But when it’s your turn to be vulnerable, there’s no one around to offer a shoulder to lean on.

There’s no one who understands what you’re going through.

And going to coworkers doesn’t feel like an option, because they’re just as burnt out by the system as you are.

Worst of all…

There’s no one for you to look up to—it seems like every help professional you know is going through the same problems as you are.

This industry is huge, yet you’ve never felt so alone and misunderstood.

You can’t help but think, “Is there more to life than this clinic?”

You’ve been wondering what it really means to be a helping professional—for yourself, for your patients, and for your industry.

Yes, you came into this work because you wanted to help people.

You wanted to be the one person that made a difference in peoples’ lives.

That treated every patient with empathy and respect.

But is that what you’re really doing right now?

These days when you sit in the room with a patient, your mind begins to wander the second the session begins.

It’s hard to focus on what they’re saying.

It’s difficult to care if they’re making any progress.

Your sense of purpose has been lost, and compassion fatigue took its place.

When was the last time you got out of bed without having to set alarms at 5-minute intervals to “ease into” waking up?

Or took a shower without debating whether or not to call in sick because you were dreading what was waiting for you at the clinic?

Or got to work and didn’t sit in your car waiting until the last possible second you could show up without being late enough for anyone to notice?

Answer: A long, long time ago.

When you were bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and ready to take on anything.

Every Sunday the anxiety of going back to work hits you, and there’s nothing worse than the sound of your alarm in the morning

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How often do you find yourself thinking…

“Maybe I should just give up and find another job—but what would I do?”
“What do I need to do in order to really help my patients in a way no one else can?”
“There must be some way to feel more motivated like I used to when I first started…”
“Is it even possible for me to stand out in this field and actually do something interesting?”

“Is there a magical person who knows how to do this and can help me turn this all around?”

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer.... keep reading.

My name is Dr. Liz Lasky.

Ph.D., LCSW, Certified Coach & General Badass at Life 😎

My job is simple: I help you get what you want.

It all started when I was fresh out of school and seeing a therapist every week. I only did it because I thought that to be a good social worker, my brain needed to be SHRINK’D.

Every week I’d go to therapy, and leave feeling worse until I finally asked myself what the hell I was actually doing.

It wasn’t until I discovered coaching did I realize coaching was the change of pace I really desired. (sorry therapist)

Coaching was sexy, hot pink, and bedazzled AF.

It was brand new, so exciting, and just what this social worker ordered.

It gave me a renewed sense of purpose, another way to support my clients, and the power to show up and disrupt the status quo.

Now I run my own private practice, have been published in peer-reviewed journals about Coaching and Social Work, and teach coaching skills to helping professionals just like you.

Hang out with me, and I’ll teach you how to think bigger, get clarity and cultivate a vision bigger than what you ever knew was possible.

Now Introducing...

Foundations: The Coach-Curious Course

A 6-Module Coaching Program for Helping Professionals

Just $997 $497

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Foundations is a course designed by and for the coach-curious practitioner who’s been flirting with the idea of coaching for a while, and is ready to commit to something a little more serious—so they can finally figure out if they want to incorporate coaching into their daily practice.

Consider this course our very first date. It’s casual, fun, and we’ll spend lots of time getting to know each other. Along the way, you’ll discover a few new things about yourself.

By the end of it, we may even take it to the next level.

And you’ll have a true understanding of what a coach is, of your own ability to coach, and a way to incorporate it into your practice.

Truth be told, I could sit here and spend all day talking about why this program is so dang phenomenal (and not just because I'm running it). Instead, I’ll let someone else do the talking for a bit.

Check out what my students have to say about Foundations…


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Sign up for Foundations, and here’s what your future has in store...

You’ll have everything you need to guide patients towards bigger personal breakthroughs.

You’ll feel a sense of gratitude that the patients who sit across from you everyday are choosing to show up for themselves.

You’ll feel the alliance that leads to trust and an invitation to experience their inner world.

You’ll be excited to witness their progress, session by session.

And ultimately…

You’ll reconnect to being that helping professional who accepts their patients at their weakest, and supports them as they strive towards their strongest.

And that’s the whole reason why we decided to jump feet first into this industry, isn’t it?

Experience how it feels to show up every day as the type of person who is committed to changing people’s lives—while actually making a difference.

Feel confident, competent, and totally present when face to face with a patient.

Picture this:

You’re sitting with a patient, and a deep sense of calm washes over both of you.

As the patient shares, openly and candidly, you are effortlessly, fully present.

(that’s right, you’re not thinking about your lunch in the fridge, trying to make weekend plans in your head, or trying to remember if you watered your plants this morning)

Every time you open your mouth, it’s to reply with a thoughtful, eye-opening insight instead of responding on autopilot like usual.

You’re able to do this with ease because you’re more focused, able to remember the finer details about your patients and do it all without jumping to conclusions about diagnoses.

When the session is over, you genuinely feel a sense of satisfaction because you know your patient made some big progress today—and it happened because you helped.

With coffee in hand, you walk into the clinic on time and ready to go.

You say good morning as you pass by coworkers, and can’t wait to sit down and check out the agenda.

Every day looks a little different and presents a new, exciting challenge.

Because now you have the opportunity to think creatively instead of feeling boxed in by the same old solutions and techniques.

The day passes by in an eventful whirl, and as you head home you’re tired but satisfied. It’s a feeling of energy being well spent.

You get home at a decent hour, have enough time to indulge in some hobbies, and tuck yourself in at a reasonable hour.

Walk into your clinic feeling well-rested and excited to see what the day has in store for you—because everyday is different.

Nothing feels quite as good as knowing you have a unique solution that can help your patients in a way not many other professionals can.

The days of feeling bogged down and boxed in by “tried-and-true” techniques are long gone.

With your new skillset acquired, each tool sharpened and ready to go, you can take on client concerns with a brand new feeling—

The confidence that you have a solution not many others in the field are able to offer.

And provide a unique outlook to patients that they can’t find nearly anywhere else—with results that speak for themselves.

Rediscover the passion you once had for this field, and know that this time, it’s here to stay.

That means it becomes easier to experience pride and happiness from your work.

To learn how to truly celebrate every client win no matter how small.

To make more time for yourself outside of the clinic.

And to regain your excitement, compassion and confidence as a modern-day helping professional.

Finally be able to honestly say, “I love the work I do!”

When You Join Foundations, Here’s What Our Time Together Will Look Like:

Welcome: Coaching & The Self Day 1

This is where it all begins!

We’ll start by reflecting on the definition of coaching,

And then move on to understanding the distinctions between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy, and other support professions.

This sets the stage for the rest of our time together.

Coaching & The Self Day 2

Next, you’ll discover how to use coaching thoughts and ideas as a helping professional.

Although coaching is very distinct, it overlaps with the support industry in many aspects.

That means you already have the right instincts, now it’s time to use them in a brand new way!

Planting Seeds for a Coaching Mindset

Moving on, we’ll explore how to develop a coaching mindset.

This is where we dive into the distinctions of coaching, and you’ll get to see how different it is from being a helping professional (in the best way possible)

Growing a Coaching Mindset

It’s time to cultivate your own sense of curiosity with coaching.

Although it will still be very new, it’s never too early to begin developing your own style of coaching—alongside increasing your confidence with your new skillset.

Coaching Presence: Are You Standing for Change or Stagnation?

Understand what coaching presence really is and learn how to transition into that state of mind so you are able to incorporate it into your practice as soon as your next session.

Coaching Presence: Own Your Chair

We’ll wrap up by contemplating the most effective and exciting ways to develop a reflective practice as a coach and a helping professional.

The  insights you take away from this will serve you for the rest of your professional career.

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Helping professionals have so many skills that have a place in being a powerful, effective coach. But that doesn’t mean every single one should become a coach.

Foundations: The Coach-Curious Course is not for practitioners who...


Believe in the overnight overhaul AKA think they can become a coach and start a new practice overnight. You didn’t become a helping professional in 24 hours, and you won’t become a coach in 24 hours, either. Coaching is a profession and a separate discipline.


Are just in it for the money or think it’s some hidden shortcut to quickly hanging up their private practice shingle and making the big bucks.


Have no interest in upholding values, ethics, and direction rooted in the high standards of our industry. Just because you’re coaching doesn’t mean you get to diminish our standards of care. If anything, you should hold them in even higher regard.

Most of all, this course isn’t for anyone who isn’t willing to take this seriously. I’m here for a good time, I love to laugh and I promise our time together will be fun—but this is for people who are ready to get down to work.

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Foundations is a course designed by and for the coach-curious practitioner who’s been flirting with the idea of coaching for a while, and is ready to commit to something a little more serious—so they can finally figure out if they want to incorporate coaching into their daily practice.

I'm really passionate about coaching.

(I’m also passionate about musical improv, the late Joan Rivers and long walks through Central Park).

This passion is why I continue to coach alongside my social work practice despite receiving bundles of hate mail from people who believe coaching is a watered-down industry filled with loose-moraled crooks.

As someone who has faced the haters and keeps going, let me say this…

 Coaching isn’t fluff. It’s rooted in science, outcomes and evidence—and there’s mountains of research proving why it works.

 While there are coaches out there with a hefty price tag for their services, it doesn’t just have to be for the elite members of our society. As helping professionals, we can get to be the change-makers that make coaching more accessible.

 It is not a replacement for therapy. I’ve never said this and I never will.  Coaching is a very powerful way to enhance your practice and serve your patients at a higher level.

Whether or not you choose to embrace coaching, it’s showing up and it’s here to stay.

And when you’re ready, I can show you how to do it well and ethically.

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What more students have to say about Foundations…




  • 6 Weekly modules
  • Videos, exercises and worksheets
  • Self-paced learning
  • Deeper understanding of Coaching

Enroll Now!

"One thing I truly loved about this class was Liz’s energizing approach to teaching, coaching and building my confidence in utilizing these new skills."

I think this class is important for helping professionals because it makes you rethink your own goals, your approach and what is not only best for you but best for your clients.

Every hospital and agency should train their staff in coaching because collaboration with patients (and coworkers) is best practice. Coaching helps you re-envision your approach to build collaboration and providing the correct language to do so.

My favorite thing about learning from Dr. Liz is... Learning by using real life examples, practicing, her feedback!! It's very hard in our industry to have feedback on how you are doing, constructive feedback, etc.

What is Dr. Liz amazing at everything!! Really! She models the skills constantly, so not only are we learning them, practicing, she models them back. Hearing her do this makes it feel more natural and you can feel the effectiveness of it as well.

Dr. Liz does a great job of making everyone feel comfortable, but also pushing you out of your comfort zone. She is engaging, efficient, energizing besides being extremely knowledgeable. You can tell she loves what she is doing and hopes you will love it too!

~ Cindy Kosnick, Clinical Social Worker, CTPHP student

"Liz's enthusiasm for this topic is contagious!"

I appreciate her expertise in both psychotherapy and coaching as this made the training extremely relevant for my work in behavioral health.

My favorite thing about learning from Dr. Liz is her passion for supporting helping professionals. (It) is admirable and timely, given the high burn out from the pandemic.

Dr. Liz is amazing at creating change within the course participants, which will trickle down to clients and patients.

~ Lori Yoder, Manager, Clinical Care Social Work, Department of Psychiatry, Outpatient Services, Northwestern Medical Group

Questions? Considerations? Doubts?
Let me put those to rest...

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